The Manifesto of the Silenced Majority
� We believe that Barack Obama is a brilliant orator and a man possessed of more charisma than any politician since JFK.

� We believe that a "tax cut on 95% of working Americans" when only 63% of Americans pay taxes is nonsensical.
� We believe that the Obama campaign's obfuscated funding for ACORN (originally described as "event planning") undermines the integrity of our elections and calls into question the legality of his tactics.
� We believe that Barack Obama's plan to form a "civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded� as our military is ill-considered at best.

� We believe that Obama's choice of Joe Biden as VP runs counter to his twin aspirations of "hope" and "change".
� We believe that a man who could not otherwise receive a security clearance should not serve as Commander-in-Chief.
� We believe that Obama's 20-year relationship with his pastor, who he once described as his "spiritual adviser", displays a basic affinity for a racist ideology that runs counter to everything his candidacy should stand for.
� We believe that most of Obama's senate experience has been spent running for office; from the time he was sworn in as a U.S. senator to the time he formed a presidential exploratory committee, he logged only 143 days in the senate.
� We believe that Obama does voters a disservice by hiding his chairmanship of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (a $165 million dollar effort to improve Chicago's schools) when he used that service as his central experience in 2000 during his first run for Congress.

� We believe that, no matter Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, his evasive and ever-morphing answers about their work together smack of a coverup.
� We believe that anyone -- no matter their position on abortion -- who supports killing an infant that survived a botched abortion is on the wrong side of any moral code.

� We believe that Obama's Illinois state senate experience was insubstantial: it was, by his own description, a "part-time position" and he maintained two offices (one at the state senate and one at his law firm).
� We believe that Obama's state senatorial experience was further diluted by his 129 "present" votes, which, as NPR observes , "There's a saying in Springfield that there's a reason why the present button is yellow... [but] I don't think that Barack Obama was necessarily a coward for voting present on those bills..."
� We also believe that Obama's experience as a community organizer and as a trainer for ACORN are not qualifications for the presidency.
� We believe that the candidate has not been forthcoming with his background and the key influencing forces during his formative years.
We therefore believe that Barack Obama is ill-prepared and ill-suited for the Presidency.
Hat tip: Zombie for the brilliant essay that mentions the term "silenced majority".
Labels: Obama
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