Monday, November 10, 2008

Interesting Breakdown by counties

I have been keeping tabs on counties in which I grew up in Wyoming. Park, Washakie and Big Horn counties overwhelmingly went to McCain. Not surpising Teton county where I moved after I left home was very Obama. I never felt I belonged there but it was beautiful so we continued to stay there and I think the only reason I survived staying there as long as I did was we went back to my home area on the other side of the mountain and I was able to ground a bit back to my country roots. there are only 2 counties in the whole state that went to Obama with no surprise. Sorry guess farmers aren't stupid!! In fact if you look at the overall map nationwide .... by COUNTY Obama would have lost by a landslide:-) Sorry mr obama you will lose if you are stupid enough to try anything you best be ready for war you and your obamabots will be the cause of our next civil war!! I would say our nation is about ready to turn their AMERICAN flags upside down as most of us are in distress in the disasterous not historic time in history. Ron Paul could be black and I would still have voted him over Obama because I believe in what he believes in...He is here for the country he loves not against it like Obama is.

Now interesting Teton County Idaho sorta xcsurprised me in a very very close near tie. Seperated by only 39 votes tilted towards BO...guess they aren't as libral as they would like to believe are they;0) However there is still enough farmers and mormons they haven't been able to push out yet.

Colorado no surprise areas we lived or closely familiar with Delta, Mesa, Montrose and Garfield counties were in McCain's favor! Not surprisingly Garfield county was barely by 85 votes.

Montana Gallatin and Lewis and Clark counties no surprise went to Obama. Around 2000 votes between these two counties went to other candidates.

You can check out your areas here: Election Results

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama Stories coming in

Major OBAMA Stories Now Posted:
* Kenya banking on Obama payback.
* McCain T-shirt gets man cuffed, and arrested.
* Obama to appoint talk radio's executioner?

Buyers Remorse has begun

A friend just sent this to me from a site she frequents this is a message someone posted. very disapointing huh.... I wondered how long it would be before people would have buyers remorse, I did not think they would admit so soon however. I thought it would be late 2009 before seeing that. You know I dont think people really know what they have done to this country..
Dogmatic wrote:
I was there at the Obama rally in Grant Park on election night. I had a ticket. What I saw there shocked me. The people who want us to drive electric cars littered all over the place. They made a mess of the park. There was no sense of patriotism. No one put their hand over their hearts for the pledge of allegiance or took their hats off... they made fun of the national anthem, the ministers prayer... the red states... rude statements about Sarah Palin... there were almost half a dozen near fistfights by me when people bumped into each other. All of the racist comments irritated me. There was no unity or sense of country. They just wanted to hear the messiah speak.
He took the stage alone. I've never seen a politician take the stage alone on election night. It was odd. He looked SCARED. He really did look scared. As if he didn't figure on winning but now wondered what in the heck he would do. He did not look presidential. He appeared weak.
For such an historic moment the applause was low, Obama never even had to pause for cheering or applause or adoration...the energy level was low... there was no celebration... no fireworks... no balloon drop or confetti. His speech was not at all inspiring. People left kind of quietly. It was a letdown after all of the build up.
I saw a very diverse group of people with their love for Barack being the one thing to unite them. Now the gays in California blame the blacks for the defeat of Prop. 8. It seems the coalition is in danger of disintigrating. Will the union guys be next? My union really pushed us on Obama even though the rank and file was pretty split.
I supported him from day one... that's how I got a ticket to the rally. Now I think I made the wrong choice in voting for him. I think the media over hyped him and he'll never live up to the expectations and he knows it. I thought I would be 'sold' at the rally... walk away believing.
When he had his press conference my doubts turned into regret. What was up with that tacky sign "office of the President-Elect." Why did the reporters stand when he entered the room? Because they have been in bed with him from the beginning?
Barack Obama is like those holograms they used on CNN election night... he is a creation of the media. Even he knows it. And maybe he is afraid everyone else is going to find out.
I fear for this nation. What have we done. Who have we chosen to lead us in these troubled times? Have we elected an illusion, a hologram for president? Obamanomics scares the heck out of me.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

BULLY teachers!!!

My husband heard about this on the radio, while working yesterday (HIS long hours are keeping me informed...and I expand by further searching online) To me it makes me all the more happier I homeschool!!

I find this highly disturbing and hope this teacher is called to task. This video was brought to light by the Finnish media in a documentary aired. Sad we have to find things going on in our own country some place else isn't it?

Here's another biased schoolteacher...

A school board has refused to fire a teacher over a racial slur aimed at Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

The Jackson County panel, instead, voted 3-2 Thursday to suspend Greg Howard without pay for 10 days, costing him about $2,500. He also was removed from coaching duties with the loss of related pay and ordered to take diversity training and write an apology to students.

Nearly 200 people attended the meeting with most demanding that the board fire Howard. Some parents say they'll ask the state to revoke his teaching certificate.

During a seventh-grade class Howard reportedly wrote "CHANGE" on the blackboard as an acronym for "Come Help A (slur) Get Elected."

OK BOTH SCENARIOS ARE WRONG WRONG WRONG, BUT now you tell me where these two on both sides of the table got fair treatment??? soooo whos racist???...if we say ONE thing against BO we are racist but you say anything against a GOP ah its no problem! Right now my thoughts are if the acronym fits why argue....slam me if you wish but at this stage I have no respect for this man OR those that support and helped get him into office....and I never before really considered myself prejudice....

I am still searching to see if anything ever happened to the first teacher from LAST MAY and we are only just now hearing of it...the look on that poor girls face was enough for me to say she should have been reprimanded fired or whatever!!

Bring Conservation BACK!!!!!

The NEW Reagan Revolution
Bring Conservatism BACK!

From the Desk of Michael Reagan

Friday, Nov. 7

Dear Conservative Friend,

It's official: America has its first truly Socialist president... and it's the Republican Party's fault.

No, scratch that -- it's the so-called "leaders" of the GOP who are at fault for this humiliating defeat -- and I say it's time to name names and make heads roll in our party. Because, my fellow conservatives, we have been BETRAYED by the very people who promised that, if we would just elect them, they would get into office and vote OUR conservative values.


But we CAN resurrect it -- IF we start TODAY to take action, by both booting out our failed fake-conservative "leadership" AND vowing to FIGHT tooth and nail against the coming tidal wave of destructive, anti-American legislation that's now heading our way... thanks to Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

We CAN fight back -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

As I sit here looking at yesterday's election results -- maps, vote tallies, exit polls, state and national results, and much more -- I have to say that, like many of you, I'm in a state of shock.

Not because I'm surprised, mind you -- I warned you that this would happen if the Republican Party nominated John McCain for president.

Yes, I was right... but believe me, that doesn't make me happy. What it makes me... is angry.

  • Angry at the Democrats, of course. Once again, they ran a campaign full of lies and hate-filled attacks, from Obama's claims that he had "never heard" his racist pastor's anti-American rhetoric over a 20-year period of time, to his claims that his terrorist friend Bill Ayers was "just a guy in the neighborhood," to outright slanderous speech against Governor Sarah Palin... but hey, I expect the Democrats to act that way. It's their nature.
  • Angry at the "moderate" (meaning liberal) Rockefeller-wing of the Republican Party, who tried to kill the idea of grassroots involvement of hardworking, patriotic, conservative Americans in our party. There's NO grassroots activism when the Rockefeller wing's philosophy prevails; that wing of the party consists of "kingmakers" operating from behind the throne, while the Reagan wing of the party has always lived and thrived at the grassroots, where the real Americans live. When the Rockefeller-wing philosophy prevails, the GOP loses. When the Reagan wing is in control, we win.
  • Angry with President Bush because he was unwilling to stop Republican Congressional leaders from overspending and because his administration failed to lay the blame for the financial crisis at the feet of Rep. Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd that protected Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from reform.
  • Angry at the so-called "leaders" of our party, who promised us that if we'd just vote for who they put up for election, we'd finally get what we wanted: smaller government, lower taxes, dramatically lower spending, pro-life laws, pro-marriage constitutional amendments, pro-American economics... well, YOU AND I put them in power, and they gave us nothing but BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG DEFICITS, and LIBERAL COMPROMISES.

I say, NO MORE! Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

As bad as yesterday's election results were, I believe there IS "light at the end of the tunnel" -- I believe we now have the opportunity to finally turn out these fake "leaders" that have betrayed conservatism and given us Barack Obama. We have the opportunity to bring back the Reagan wing of the Republican Party, to slow down the socialist legislation from Pelosi and Reid, and to restore this great Republic to its original ideals of basic self-evident truths: our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This is our chance, friend. It may be our ONLY chance to save our Party -- and it may be our LAST chance to save our country.

Here's what I'm doing to help make that happen: Today, I'm officially launching a new website, This is no wimpy little website with some news articles and a bunch of editorial writers griping about how bad things are. The time for "just talking" is OVER -- now is the time for ACTION!

Every day, we'll give the members of this site -- our own "Reagan Activists" -- the information they need in order to take real grassroots action to counter the greatest political threat we've ever faced within our own government. It won't take a lot of time -- usually only a few minutes a day -- but the political payout will be HUGE!

Here are some of the things that YOU AND I will be able to do at

  • STOP LIBERAL BILLS -- We can expect an immediate onslaught of extreme liberal bills to be "fast-tracked" through Congress and signed by Obama. We will constantly be on the watch for these bills -- and every time they get introduced, we'll alert our Activists to literally FLOOD Capitol Hill with millions of phone calls, faxes, emails and even hand-delivered letters and petitions, DEMANDING that our elected legislators do what WE say, or else face our wrath at the next election!
  • FIGHT LIBERAL EXECUTIVE ORDERS -- You can be sure that President Obama (oh, how that phrase terrifies me!) will get right to work on Day One, issuing Executive Orders that will make your skin crawl: repealing pro-life presidential directives, ordering agencies to fund far-left groups like ACORN and the ACLU, signing over American sovereignty to the United Nations and the European Union... he's got a long list! But for every liberal (and usually unconstitutional) Executive Order that Barack Obama issues, we'll alert our Activists to BARRAGE the White House with even MORE phone calls, faxes, emails and even hand-delivered letters and petitions, DEMANDING that he "reverse course" on those Orders or face a Republican Congress in 2010!
  • EXPOSE LIBERAL CORRUPTION -- With the Democrats back in power in both Congress and the White House, you KNOW that they'll be falling right back into their habits of taking lobbyists' money under the table, trading votes for campaign contributions, spying on and sabotaging Republican legislative plans, covering up their leaders' sexual "flings," and spending taxpayer money on personal expenses like never before. But this time, YOU AND I will be there every step of the way, making sure that no stone is left unturned, every dark corner is filled with light, and every illegal act is paid for with censure, impeachment, recalls, investigations, and jail time for every criminal we expose in Washington, D.C.
  • COUNTER THE LIBERAL MEDIA -- Whenever any of these things take place, we'll be directing our "Reagan Activists" to constantly fill the news media with letters to the editor, guest editorials, and news articles detailing the socialistic and corrupt policies of the new liberal regime, and offering America a better way -- the way of freedom... the CONSERVATIVE way.

Together, we CAN save America from the new liberal regime! Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

And don't forget -- I'll also be spreading the word the same way I do already: by writing nationally-syndicated columns each week, and by speaking to over five million listeners each and every weekday on my nationwide radio show!

We MUST do this. Really -- what choice do we have, except to fight back and WIN? As my father, President Ronald Reagan, once said, "We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow."

My father wasn't afraid to call evil what it was -- and neither am I. He defeated the "Evil Empire" called the Soviet Union -- but now we face a new "Evil Empire." It's called Socialism, and it's taken over our once-free nation through the victories of Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

We do NOT have to give up. We do NOT have to slink into some dark corner and lick our wounds. This is OUR MOMENT TO SHINE -- and that's why I'm launching!

Like I said before, when the Reagan wing is in control, we win. We don't need kingmakers; we need workers, and until we get them we'll stay the minority party. We don't need to keep the toady liberals who call themselves the "leaders" of the Republican Party; we need conservatives to TAKE BACK the Republican Party, and GET RID OF those losers!

WILL YOU JOIN ME, and hundreds of thousands of your fellow conservative activists nationwide? Let's show these liberals what real REAGAN Republicans can do, when WE'RE in charge of the GOP!

Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

With Hope in the Future,
Michael Reagan

P.S. Already, the new radical regime in Washington, D.C. is planning their first legislative attacks on America:

  • Huge increases in payroll and income taxes;
  • Redistributionist "share the wealth" policies;
  • Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act;
  • Forcing faith-based groups to hire gays;
  • Repeal all state regulations on abortion through FOCA;
  • Require taxpayer funding of abortion through Medicaid;
  • Block all efforts to "Drill Here, Drill Now" in America;
  • Impose universal health care through job-killing employer mandates;
  • Appoint activists liberal Supreme Court judges;
  • Kill conservative talk radio by re-instituting the "Fairness Doctrine";
  • Require comprehensive sex education from the earliest grades in public schools;
  • Enforce bilingual education in the public schools;
  • Allow convicted felons to vote;
  • Take secret ballot voting away from workers deciding on whether to unionize...

The list goes on and on and on...

And it's up to YOU AND I to stop them! Don't let the door slam shut on this opportunity to make a difference...

Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

Thank you!

Please make your check payable to:
Policy Issues Institute
30011 Ivy Glen Dr. #223
Dept Code 1872
Laguna Niguel, CA 92577

Concerning your 401k's and IRA's

Tom Eaglehoff Open for Business radio show on public radio just announced Charlie Rangel dem from NY said they are putting a bill together that is still in draft coming thru the end of the month not to be into the publics ears (no surprise right?) which will scoop all the 401K's and IRAs into the governments hands which supposedly would yield 3% above inflation. You will only be allowed to w/d a certain amount a month you would not be allowed to w/d all of it only a percentage.

2nd You will be forced to put 5% of your working income into this savings account without a choice and this is on top of the income tax already coming out which could be upwards of 75% depending on your state.

this is all that is known right now but considering we ourselves just had this conversation yesterday I felt it was necessary to pass along this information. So I think anyone in this predicament should act accordingly to protect what is yours!!! I am grateful now I never accepted anything like this while working corporate and shut down my bank accounts a few months ago and didn't listen to Wells Fargo when they were trying to get my business. Banks are NOT safe right now they are basically now government controlled.

Have I mentioned I am proud to be a Libertarian? OR that I hate Politics not that lately you could tell by my blog...sorry it has taken over RV and Homeschooling issues alike because I feel since I have taken my blinders off I NEED to help others take theirs off!!

We NEEED to take action now we conservatives WILL do what the liberals didn't have the balls to do and that is to take action.

Will Obama have time to Adjust

We knew this was gonna happen. Obama again proves he says sh*t to look good, when in reality he is a psycho retard

Will Obama Have to Adjust His Timetable on Iraq?

By Brian Bennett Friday, Nov. 07, 2008
A U.S. soldier secures the area at the scene where a roadside bomb exploded in Sadr City, Baghdad.
A U.S. soldier secures the area at the scene where a roadside bomb exploded in Sadr City, Baghdad.
Khalid Mohammed / AP
Senior U.S. military officials will likely advise Barack Obama to adjust his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq by mid-2010. While promising a 16-month timetable for getting all U.S. fighting forces out, Obama repeatedly insisted on what he calls a "responsible" withdrawal. Pulling nearly all U.S. troops and equipment out of Iraq in 16 months is "physically impossible," says a top officer involved in briefing the President-elect on U.S. operations in Iraq. That schedule would create a bottleneck of equipment and troops in the south of Iraq and Kuwait where brigades repair, clean and load vehicles and weapons for the trip home, said the official. Others say the U.S. could conceivably pull out on that time scale, although that would require leaving more equipment behind. A more important concern for officers is that the security gains in Iraq would be put at risk if troops were withdrawn before the Iraqi security forces are in a position to protect their own communities and borders. (See pictures of U.S. troops' 5 years in Iraq.)
Already, the drawdown of troops is accelerating. The Pentagon announced Wednesday that a brigade of the 101st Airborne division will rotate out of Iraq before Christmas, as much as two months ahead of schedule, bringing the total number of combat brigades in Iraq down to 14 from its late 2007 peak of 20. But there is a limit to how quickly U.S. soldiers can depart the country while maintaining the current level of security. Although security has improved dramatically in many neighborhoods in Baghdad over the past year, the ability of the Iraqi security forces to act independently and effectively, while improved, remains inconsistent. Iraqi forces have yet to shift their focus from counterinsurgency operations to defending Iraq's borders. The Iraqi air force, for example, announced this week that it has ordered French- and American-made fighters, but its planned 32 squadrons won't be fully up and flying until 2015. The former insurgents who joined the "Awakening" movement or neighborhood watch programs are being partially integrated into the Iraqi security forces, but this remains a point of tension amid continuing mutual mistrust between these Sunni groups and the Shi'ite-dominated government. Al-Qaeda in Iraq, meanwhile, continues to find sanctuary in and around the northern city of Mosul.
In an interview with TIME, Commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, General Raymond Odierno said the numbers of U.S. troops can and will go down. "We don't have to do it with 150,000; we can do it with less," Odierno told TIME, without specifically addressing Obama's campaign pledge. But the drawdown will have to be done "slowly, in a deliberate way, so we don't give back the gains we've had."
The Iraqi government, for its part, has asked that all U.S. troops be pulled out of Iraqi cities by June 2009 and out of Iraq by 2012. That remains part of the Status of Forces draft agreement currently being renegotiated between Washington and Baghdad, to create a legal framework for the operation of U.S. troops in Iraq when their current mandate expires on January 1. Iraq's foreign minister, Hoshiyar Zebari, says he is confident that the Obama administration will not pull U.S. troops out of Iraq too quickly. Obama has agreed to "consult with the Iraqi government and the U.S. military in the field," Zebari told BBC television on Wednesday. And Obama himself has indicated that he's willing to revisit his 16-month withdrawal schedule. He acknowledged over the summer that it may be necessary to "slow the pace because of the safety of American troops," he said. "I would be a poor commander-in-chief if I didn't take facts on the ground into account." (See pictures of life inside a Baghdad prison.)
Obama received his first on-the-ground briefing in Iraq on the morning of July 21 at a military base adjacent to the Basra airport. During the briefing, said a senior U.S. military official, then-Senator Obama seemed "receptive" and "asked good questions." The hope among senior officers in Iraq is that President-elect Obama will make good on another promise he's made over an over again from the stump: "We must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in."

Russia Missle Plans

United States Disappointed by Russian Missile Plans

The United States is disappointed that Russia plans to deploy missiles near the border with Poland and Lithuania, a State Department official says. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Russia plans to deploy Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad between Lithuania and Poland on the Baltic Sea.

Check and Balance

I have a friend that had a thought this morning ..

The framers of our Constitution and Government had a basic in mind ... "Check and Balances."

This was expressed in the makeup of The Supreme Court, The Presidency, The House and the Senate.

They did not envision a BO coming along nor did they envision that one party under such a psycho would control all four aspects of the Federal Government.

We do not have a check and balance system left ... BO is not President, he is a Dictator.

My dear old friend who has seen much in his life has a point in his thinking here. There really is no blance any longer. AMERICA WAKE UP NOW it is NOT too late.

Friday, November 7, 2008

US Honors Contributions....

U.S. Honors Contributions of American Indians, Alaska Natives

There are nearly 5 million American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1.6 percent of the U.S. population. Each November, National American Indian Heritage Month pays tribute to the first Americans and celebrates their enduring contributions to U.S. history and culture.

Gun Sales are up

I just watched the ABC evening news reports that said EVEN OBAMA supporters are in on this fear of what he is going to do with gun I have one question WHY WHY WHY WHY were you sooooo stupid as to vote him into office...and because you didn't want McCain is NOT good enough in my book.

Did you know Ron Paul without campaigning as a 3rd party brought in 18,000 votes alone between the states of LA and MT?? And just under 50,000 votes nation wide??

DO NOT tell me BO has no plans to take away our rights or make it so difficult to get new guns because I don't care what he said during his campaign look at his voting record. HE voted NO we don't have rights to defend ourselves in our own homes!! The Dems say our Constitution is outdated and no longer really apply to our lives today!!! Excuse me???

Don't Go Movement

I received this as an email.........interesting reading....refreshes our memory of what our founding fathers intended!

Don't go Movement

Inconsistency, Thy Name is GOP

Posted: 06 Nov 2008 09:01 PM CST

Two hundred thirty-two years ago, the American colonies recast themselves as free and independent states with the words: �[T]o secure � rights, governments are instituted among men.� Eleven years later, delegates representing these states adopted a Constitution that established a federal government and explicitly listed what that government may do.

The quill pens with which the Constitution was drafted had scarcely been replaced in their wells before cries rang out for the government to venture beyond these enumerated functions and misuse its power to molly-coddle some at the expense of others. As early as 1794, Congress was asked to consider a resolution spreading $15,000 of taxpayers� money to a group of French refugees. James Madison, remembered as the �Father of the Constitution�, shot down this early wealth transfer with the words: �I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.�

For roughly a century, Mr. Madison�s integrity lived on in his successors. But a depression in the late 1800s gave rise to the so-called Progressive Era, which called for government to ignore its charter and start spreading wealth around. Within a couple of decades, Americans would be saddled with that favored tool of the redistributors: a graduated income tax. In another couple of decades, the New Deal expanded government with a panoply of programs and interventions. Then the Great Society extended its meddling fingers even further, to the point where it is nearly impossible to live without being the double-sided culprit and victim of state-sponsored plunder, at once ravaged by the moral cancer that afflicts both master and slave.

And so the temptation to rely on the federal government, as a matter of first resort, has become so ingrained that the Republican Party as a whole has forgotten how to stand firm against it, and even that it should. Instead of pointing out that it is simply not the proper purview of government to protect people living below sea level from hurricanes or to bail out irresponsible banks and borrowers from the consequences of their own errors, Republicans embraced these impossible, inappropriate tasks, and many others.

The result was the insidious undermining of the GOP�s commitment to limited government, the free market, and strict construction, and the Party�s well-deserved loss of the trust of its constituents.

The Democrats, on the other hand, are not afflicted with this split-personality disorder. They believe in misusing government to serve their own absurd dreams of utopia. They�re consistent; their disastrous policies match their ludicrous beliefs.

The Republicans� disastrous policies contradict their correct, purported beliefs.

And a consistent message, no matter how asinine, will beat a correct philosophy undermined in word and deed every time.

If the GOP is serious about pulling America out of the moral morass into which it has dragged her, it must start by recovering its correct principles and adopting policies and rhetoric that match them.

Written by: Leslie Carbone

Time for regime change

Posted: 06 Nov 2008 07:52 PM CST

Tuesday night dealt a heavy blow to the free-market movement, but unlike a lot on the right, I see it as an opportunity for us to finally rally and move to the offensive position.

Being on offense is going to require a lot of work, and I believe we�re now in a perfect position to lead a major portion of the charge.

As mentioned on two radio shows last week, the #dontgo Movement is going live with the new website on Monday morning. We have a sleek new design that you�re all going to LOVE. And more importantly, the site has a lot of new community style features that will help us organize and work together as a single unit.

But before we unroll the new website, I would like to point out what I feel should be one of our first courses of action.


Many on the right, especially those in the GOP realm, claim to be �leaders� and refuse to give up their comfy positions of power. Our �leadership� in Congress has, to be quite blunt, completely failed on all fronts.

And now, when we need bold new leadership like never before, these same individuals are quickly scrambling to regain control and continue driving our movement in the wrong direction.

We simply cannot let this happen.

Starting next week, I propose we launch a widescale call/demand for any and all �leaders� who have failed us to get out of the way and make room for real conservatives to step up to the plate.

It�s time for much more than a movement. It�s time for a full scale revolution in the way the right functions. It has become apparent that Washington D.C. is not going to change anytime soon, so we need to bring our revolution OUT of the beltway and get local. We need to take the fight to our local school boards, our town councils, and our state legislatures.

We simply cannot allow our movement to be ran over by careless politicians who care nothing more than remaining in power.

We in the #dontgo Movement have quietly waited for the right time to step on to the battlefield, and I for one believe that time is now.

Please take the weekend to ponder ways we can work together to make politics local again, and let me know your thoughts and feelings.

On Monday, we come out swinging as a revolutionary Movement. We have a lot of work to do, so let�s get ready to get out there and do it."

Warm Regards,
-Eric Odom
Dont go Movement

Republicans will be stronger

Dick Morris Political Insider

Republicans Will Emerge Stronger Than Ever
Barack Obama inherits an economy on the brink of staggering inflation that will not withstand his policies. Republicans are looking good for 2010 and 2012.
Read the Full Story � Go Here Now.

Obama is NOT America's President

Obama is not America's next president
by Devvy Kidd

There is still the unresolved issue of Obama providing a COLB - Certification of Live Birth - to prove he is a natural born citizen. Not a "birth certificate," but the COLB. The fact that this thug from Chicago refuses to provide this document since June, 2008, says it all. The second issue is if Obama were born in the U.S., but was automatically made an Indonesian citizen by virtue of his mother's marriage to her Indonesian husband and Obama's legal name change, he is ineligible to run for the presidency. Naturalized citizens are not eligible for the highest office...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Breaking from

Special: Obama Bought Election with $650 MillionA Newsmax special report by Kenneth Timmerman finds that Barack Obama beat John McCain for one reason: he spent more. Obama raised a record-breaking $650 million. But now new questions have emerged about shadowy foreign donations in excess of $60 million. And Obama still has not released the names of donors who gave him almost $300 million.Read the Full Report — Go Here Now

Dick Morris' Book Exposes Obama — Free and Autographed Here!
Omega-3 Is the Only Thing to Cure Obama Blues
Warning: Obama's Coming Plan to Abolish Talk Radio
Special: 4 Supplements Can Extend Your Life, If You Care
The Coming Obama Stock Market Crash

Native Americans against Obama

Being that my roots are deep in Cherokee I felt proud to see I am not feeling this way alone but other NAs out there see what I see since taking off my blinders!

Pelosi/American Samoa

This is just a sample of the cancer that is infecting our government from top to bottom. Pelosi should have been impeached and imprisoned for corruption and malfeasance rather than reelected to be third in line to the Presidency.
I don’t know what is wrong with the electorate in this country, re-electing Ted Stevens as Senator while he is on his way to prison. There are so many examples of the corruption that is bringing down our government, yet the people keep returning these crooks to office to continue destroying our Democracy.
They will have a much easier time of it once Obama is sworn in because he is going to be up to his backsides in alligators and will not pay any attention to the graft and corruption going on around him. The earmarks will proliferate on any new bills leaving Congress for his signature. God help the American people get through the next few months, let alone the next four years.

Pelosi/American Samoa

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's home district includes San Francisco. Star-Kist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco, Pelosi's home district.Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi.Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan workforce. Paul Pelosi, Nancy's husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock.In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was in creased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Del Monte products less expensive than their competitions.Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33 million dollars for an "economic development credit in American Samoa". Pelosi has called the Bush Administration "corrupt".

She should know.

This woman is a cancer in our government!

Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer no charges

No Federal Charges Against Spitzer
By DANNY HAKIM 10 minutes ago
Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer will not be charged with any crime for his patronage of a prostitution ring, federal investigators announced on Thursday.

Farrakhan to Conclude Post-Election ‘State of The Black


Farrakhan to Conclude Post-Election ‘State of The Black World’ Conference Nov. 19-23
by Hazel Trice Edney

WASHINGTON (NNPA) – Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan has now been confirmed as part of the line up of speakers to address the first major gathering of Black leaders after this week’s election, according to the organizer, Dr. Ron Daniels.

“The State of the Black World Conference will be the first great gathering of Black people from the U.S. and the Black World after the election to develop a priority policy agenda to present to the new administration,” says Daniels, a veteran political and social activist. “As the visionary architect of the historic Million Man March, it is only fitting that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan give the climatic address at this milestone gathering of Black people.''

The conference, to be held at New Orleans’ Ernest Morial Convention Ceter and Astor Crown Plaza Hotel Nov. 19-23, will come on the heels of a historic election that not only registered millions of new Black voters, but inspired thousands to activism. Daniels is hoping that excitement not cease after the election, but rather galvanize into action to hold the new president accountable.

“Participants will leave armed with a priority policy agenda on Black concerns to constructively engage and influence the next administration no matter who wins the White House,'' Daniels says. Farrakhan is slated to give the final keynote address on Sunday - “The Call to Faith and Struggle,” says Daniels. “We are absolutely elated that Minister Farrkahan has agreed to return to New Orleans for this extraordinary gathering. His address will be a fitting climax to the SOBWC given his strong support for the process of building the Institute of the Black World over the years.”

Other confirmed speakers to appear at the conference include Bev Smith, syndicated Talk Show Host on the American Urban Radio Networks; Rev. Al Sharpton, president, National Action Network; Dr. Julianne Malveaux, president of Bennett College; Marc Morial, president/CEO, National Urban League; Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, president, National Rainbow/Push Coalition; Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus and chair of the House Judiciary Committee; Dr. Elsie Scott, President/CEO, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation; Dr. Maulana Karenga, Creator of Kwanzaa and professor of Africana Studies and Chairman of Black Studies at California State University at Long Beach; Dr. Ronald Walters, professor of Government and politics, University of Maryland; Charles Ogletree, Harvard Law Professor; and Danny Glover, actor and humanitarian.

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CNN Breaking News

CNN breaking news-- Congressman Rahm Emanuel has agreed to be Barack Obama's White House chief of staff, according to a Democratic aide.

Various News articles of the day

By Charles Levinson, USA TODAY
When Ohio was called for the Democrats and Obama's victory appeared all but certain, Sgt. Richard Reyes of Brooklyn, N.Y., turned to his...

The buzz: Who might Obama pick?

Posted: 11/06/2008

A number of names are being circulated for top Obama administration posts.

Transition is a test in itself

Posted: 11/06/2008

The 11 weeks between now and inauguration will test the functioning of government in crisis at home and abroad.

No More 'Business as Usual,' but the Lobby Business Will Be Just Fine

Posted: 11/06/2008

Despite President-elect Obama's tough talk on lobbying over the course of the campaign, lobbyists in the...

Who he surronds himself with will speak volumes abot what we can expect

Larwyn's Link Kerplosion: Post-Mortem

WSJ: Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, a former Kerry staffer, argues that the treatment of George W. Bush has been a disgrace. I couldn't agree more

The Real Revo: An Open Letter To My Israeli Friends (caution: language warning).

STACLU: The media won: "They created Obama. They could have destroyed him in a minute if they had wanted to. Instead they promoted him, covered for him and used anything they could to discredit his opponents..."

Page Six: Crisis at 30 Rock as Keith Olbermann awards himself the "Worst Person in the World" for 2008.

The Corner: John Derbyshire is a sour loser.

Newsbusters: Funny, I didn't see this on Al Gore's website: "Green initiatives get slaughtered in California."

Michelle Malkin advises conservatives to gird their loins:
  • Oppose the Democrats’ next stimulus boondoggle.
  • Oppose Obama’s windfall profits tax proposal
  • Oppose new bailouts for states deep in debt
  • Oppose new foreclosure prevention measures that will simply provide perverse incentives for borrowers to walk away and delay a needed market correction
  • No more federal loan guarantees for corporations (especially in light of this.
Victor Davis Hanson offers the post-mortem.

EIB thanks Barack Obama for putting the Clinton Machine out of its misery: "Without Senator Obama, we would still be dealing with the specter of Hillary Clinton lurking around the Democrat Party seeking the White House. So I want to congratulate and thank Senator Obama for dispatching the Clintons, at least until he screws up enough to give them an opening to get back in."


Line o' the Day: The Earth will mend and Stock Prices will lower

Ace has the winnah.

The Age of Plenty Begins: Stocks Fall Nearly 500 Points/5% on Obama Win

The Dow Jones drop isn't bad news; Obama just lowered the price of stocks so the little guy has a chance to afford some, too.

Thanks, Barack!


Comrades in Grant Park

PatriotRoom pointed us to this stunning scene in Grant Park as our comrades celebrated the election victory of Barack Obama.

Hat tip: LGF Quicklinks.

Conservative Must Reads

  • AP News: World markets cash in on Obama win

  • Some final well written words:

    BO, America is not a Third World Country!

    America is not a racist Country.

    America was not a divided Country until you came along.

    Now do us all a favor and rethink your Third World and African political ideology and let others that have a better grasp of what America was before you stepped on the Political Stage develop the National Agenda for the next four years then you can retire in Communist Cuba for the rest of your life and enjoy Communism which you seem to love so much.

    What caused the loan crisis

    What Caused the Loan Crisis

    The following is a condensation of a series from the Investor's Business Daily explaining "What Caused the Loan Crisis":

    1977: Pres. Jimmy Carter signs into Law the Community Reinvestment Act the foundation and cornerstone for the impending disaster.. The law pressured financial institutions to extend home loans to those who would otherwise not qualify.

    The publicized premise: Home ownership would improve poor and crime-ridden communities and neighborhoods in terms of crime, investment, jobs, etc.

    The Results: Statistics bear out that it did not help.

    How did the government get so deeply involved in the housing market?

    Answer: Bill Clinton wanted it that way.

    1992: Republican representative Jim Leach (IO) warned of the danger that Fannie and Freddie were changing from being agencies of the public at large to money machines for the principals and the stock-holding few.

    1993: Clinton extensively rewrote Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's rules turning the quasi-private mortgage-funding firms into semi-nationalized monopolies dispensing cash and loans to large Democratic voting blocks and handing favors, jobs and contributions to political allies. This potent mix led inevitably to corruption and now the collapse of Freddie and Fannie.

    1994: Despite warnings, Clinton unveiled his National Home-Ownership Strategy, which broadened the CRA in ways congress never intended.

    1995: Congress, about to change from a Democrat majority to Republican. Clinton orders Robert Rubin's Treasury Dept to rewrite the rules. Robt. Rubin's Treasury reworked rules, forcing banks to satisfy quotas for sub-prime and minority loans to get a satisfactory CRA rating. The rating was key to expansion or mergers for banks. Loans began to be made on the basis of race and little else.

    1997 - 1999: Clinton , bypassing Republicans in Congress, enlisted Andrew Cuomo, then Secretary of Housing and Urban Dev elopement, allowing Freddie and Fannie to get into the sub-prime market in a BIG way. Led by Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd, congress doubled down on the risk by easing capital limits and allowing them to hold just 2.5% of capital to back their investments vs. 10% for banks. Since they could borrow at lower rates than banks their enterprises boomed.

    With incentives in place, banks poured billions in loans into poor communities, often "no doc", "no income", requiring no money down and no verification of income. Worse still was the cronyism: Fannie and Freddie became home to out-of work-politicians, mostly Clinton Democrats. 384 politicians got big campaign donations from Fannie and Freddie. Over $200 million had been spent on lobbying and political activities. During the 1990's Fannie and Freddie enjoyed a subsidy of as musch as $182 Billion, most of it going to principals and shareholders, not poor borrowers as claimed.

    Did it work? Minorities made up 49% of the 12.5 million new homeowners but many of those loans have gone bad and the minority homeownership rates are shrinking fast.

    1999: New Treasury Secretary, Lawrence Summers, became alarmed at Fannie and Freddie's excesses. Congress held hearings the ensuing year but nothing was done because Fannie and Freddie had donated millions to key congressmen and radical groups, ensuring no meaningful changes would take place. "We manage our political risk with the same intensity that we manage our credit and interest rate risks," Fannie CEO Franklin Raines, a former Clinton official and current Barack Obama advisor, bragged to investors in 1999.

    2000: Secretary Summers sent Undersecretary Gary Gensler to Congress seeking an end to the "special status". Democrats raised a ruckus as did Fannie and Freddie, headed by politically connected CEO's who knew how to reward and punish. "We think that the statements evidence a contempt for the nation's housing and mortgage markets" Freddie spokesperson Sharon McHale said. It was the last chance during the Clinton era for reform.

    2001: Republicans try repeatedly to bring fiscal sanity to Fannie and Freddie but Democrats blocked any attempt at reform; especially Rep. Barney Frank and Sen.Chris Dodd who now run key banking committees and were huge beneficiaries of campaign contributions from the mortgage giants.

    2003: Bush proposes what the NY Times called "the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago". Even after discovering a scheme by Fannie and Freddie to overstate earnings by $10.6 billion to boost their bonuses, the Democrats killed reform.

    2005: Then Fed chairman Alan Greenspan warns Congress: "We are placing the total financial system at substantial risk". Sen. McCain, with two others, sponsored a Fannie/Freddie reform bill and said, "If congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system and the economy as a whole". Sen. Harry Reid accused the GOP ;of trying to "cripple the ability of Fannie and Freddie to carry out their mission of expanding homeownership" The bill went nowhere.

    2007: By now Fannie and Freddie own or guarantee over HALF of the $12 trillion US mortgage market. The mortgage giants, whose executive suites were top-heavy with former Democratic officials, had been working with Wall St. to repackage the bad loans and sell them to investors. As the housing market fell in '07, subprime mortgage portfolios suffered major losses. The crisis was on, though it was 15 years in the making.

    2008: McCain has repeatedly called for reforming the behemoths, Bush urged reform 17 times. Still the media have repeated Democrats' talking points about this being a "Republican" disaster. A few Republicans are complicit but Fannie and Freddie were created by Democrats, regulated by Democrats, largely run by Democrats and protected by Democrats. That's why taxpayers are now being asked for $700 billion!!

    If you doubt any of this, just click the links below and listen to your lawmakers' own words. They are condemning!

    Postscript: ACORN is one of the principlal beneficiaries of Fannie/ Freddie's slush funds. They are currently under indictment or investigation in many states. Barack Obama served as their legal counsel, defending their activities for several years.

    Please share this with everyone you know. Send it. Print it. Talk about it. America needs to know!!!

    What caused the loan crisis

    What Caused the Loan Crisis

    The following is a condensation of a series from the Investor's Business Daily explaining "What Caused the Loan Crisis":

    1977: Pres. Jimmy Carter signs into Law the Community Reinvestment Act the foundation and cornerstone for the impending disaster.. The law pressured financial institutions to extend home loans to those who would otherwise not qualify.

    The publicized premise: Home ownership would improve poor and crime-ridden communities and neighborhoods in terms of crime, investment, jobs, etc.

    The Results: Statistics bear out that it did not help.

    How did the government get so deeply involved in the housing market?

    Answer: Bill Clinton wanted it that way.

    1992: Republican representative Jim Leach (IO) warned of the danger that Fannie and Freddie were changing from being agencies of the public at large to money machines for the principals and the stock-holding few.

    1993: Clinton extensively rewrote Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's rules turning the quasi-private mortgage-funding firms into semi-nationalized monopolies dispensing cash and loans to large Democratic voting blocks and handing favors, jobs and contributions to political allies. This potent mix led inevitably to corruption and now the collapse of Freddie and Fannie.

    1994: Despite warnings, Clinton unveiled his National Home-Ownership Strategy, which broadened the CRA in ways congress never intended.

    1995: Congress, about to change from a Democrat majority to Republican. Clinton orders Robert Rubin's Treasury Dept to rewrite the rules. Robt. Rubin's Treasury reworked rules, forcing banks to satisfy quotas for sub-prime and minority loans to get a satisfactory CRA rating. The rating was key to expansion or mergers for banks. Loans began to be made on the basis of race and little else.

    1997 - 1999: Clinton , bypassing Republicans in Congress, enlisted Andrew Cuomo, then Secretary of Housing and Urban Dev elopement, allowing Freddie and Fannie to get into the sub-prime market in a BIG way. Led by Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd, congress doubled down on the risk by easing capital limits and allowing them to hold just 2.5% of capital to back their investments vs. 10% for banks. Since they could borrow at lower rates than banks their enterprises boomed.

    With incentives in place, banks poured billions in loans into poor communities, often "no doc", "no income", requiring no money down and no verification of income. Worse still was the cronyism: Fannie and Freddie became home to out-of work-politicians, mostly Clinton Democrats. 384 politicians got big campaign donations from Fannie and Freddie. Over $200 million had been spent on lobbying and political activities. During the 1990's Fannie and Freddie enjoyed a subsidy of as musch as $182 Billion, most of it going to principals and shareholders, not poor borrowers as claimed.

    Did it work? Minorities made up 49% of the 12.5 million new homeowners but many of those loans have gone bad and the minority homeownership rates are shrinking fast.

    1999: New Treasury Secretary, Lawrence Summers, became alarmed at Fannie and Freddie's excesses. Congress held hearings the ensuing year but nothing was done because Fannie and Freddie had donated millions to key congressmen and radical groups, ensuring no meaningful changes would take place. "We manage our political risk with the same intensity that we manage our credit and interest rate risks," Fannie CEO Franklin Raines, a former Clinton official and current Barack Obama advisor, bragged to investors in 1999.

    2000: Secretary Summers sent Undersecretary Gary Gensler to Congress seeking an end to the "special status". Democrats raised a ruckus as did Fannie and Freddie, headed by politically connected CEO's who knew how to reward and punish. "We think that the statements evidence a contempt for the nation's housing and mortgage markets" Freddie spokesperson Sharon McHale said. It was the last chance during the Clinton era for reform.

    2001: Republicans try repeatedly to bring fiscal sanity to Fannie and Freddie but Democrats blocked any attempt at reform; especially Rep. Barney Frank and Sen.Chris Dodd who now run key banking committees and were huge beneficiaries of campaign contributions from the mortgage giants.

    2003: Bush proposes what the NY Times called "the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago". Even after discovering a scheme by Fannie and Freddie to overstate earnings by $10.6 billion to boost their bonuses, the Democrats killed reform.

    2005: Then Fed chairman Alan Greenspan warns Congress: "We are placing the total financial system at substantial risk". Sen. McCain, with two others, sponsored a Fannie/Freddie reform bill and said, "If congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system and the economy as a whole". Sen. Harry Reid accused the GOP ;of trying to "cripple the ability of Fannie and Freddie to carry out their mission of expanding homeownership" The bill went nowhere.

    2007: By now Fannie and Freddie own or guarantee over HALF of the $12 trillion US mortgage market. The mortgage giants, whose executive suites were top-heavy with former Democratic officials, had been working with Wall St. to repackage the bad loans and sell them to investors. As the housing market fell in '07, subprime mortgage portfolios suffered major losses. The crisis was on, though it was 15 years in the making.

    2008: McCain has repeatedly called for reforming the behemoths, Bush urged reform 17 times. Still the media have repeated Democrats' talking points about this being a "Republican" disaster. A few Republicans are complicit but Fannie and Freddie were created by Democrats, regulated by Democrats, largely run by Democrats and protected by Democrats. That's why taxpayers are now being asked for $700 billion!!

    If you doubt any of this, just click the links below and listen to your lawmakers' own words. They are condemning!

    Postscript: ACORN is one of the principlal beneficiaries of Fannie/ Freddie's slush funds. They are currently under indictment or investigation in many states. Barack Obama served as their legal counsel, defending their activities for several years.

    Please share this with everyone you know. Send it. Print it. Talk about it. America needs to know!!!