Saturday, November 8, 2008

BULLY teachers!!!

My husband heard about this on the radio, while working yesterday (HIS long hours are keeping me informed...and I expand by further searching online) To me it makes me all the more happier I homeschool!!

I find this highly disturbing and hope this teacher is called to task. This video was brought to light by the Finnish media in a documentary aired. Sad we have to find things going on in our own country some place else isn't it?

Here's another biased schoolteacher...

A school board has refused to fire a teacher over a racial slur aimed at Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

The Jackson County panel, instead, voted 3-2 Thursday to suspend Greg Howard without pay for 10 days, costing him about $2,500. He also was removed from coaching duties with the loss of related pay and ordered to take diversity training and write an apology to students.

Nearly 200 people attended the meeting with most demanding that the board fire Howard. Some parents say they'll ask the state to revoke his teaching certificate.

During a seventh-grade class Howard reportedly wrote "CHANGE" on the blackboard as an acronym for "Come Help A (slur) Get Elected."

OK BOTH SCENARIOS ARE WRONG WRONG WRONG, BUT now you tell me where these two on both sides of the table got fair treatment??? soooo whos racist???...if we say ONE thing against BO we are racist but you say anything against a GOP ah its no problem! Right now my thoughts are if the acronym fits why argue....slam me if you wish but at this stage I have no respect for this man OR those that support and helped get him into office....and I never before really considered myself prejudice....

I am still searching to see if anything ever happened to the first teacher from LAST MAY and we are only just now hearing of it...the look on that poor girls face was enough for me to say she should have been reprimanded fired or whatever!!

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